In essence pipes Copper pipes used to distribute, but in practice a pipe used to deliver water there are many kinds. Copper pipes generally used as mainstays in a water installation project. Due to the texture is strong and not easily broken, anti koroso copper materials, durability can achieve more than 50 years, easily bent so that more economical in penggunannnya. Copper pipe is the most common type of metal pipes commonly used in homes, although it is more expensive than plastic pipes. Advantages of this pipeline, among others resistant to corrosion and can withstand high temperatures.
Systems Medical Gas Installation Network installation is as follows: 1. Installation of Medical Gas Pipeline mounted on the ceiling 2. Installation of Medical Gas Pipeline is installed under the ceiling 3. Installation of Medical Gas Pipeline installed inside the wall (planted in diniding with protective PVC) 4. Installation of Medical Gas Pipeline installed inside wallduck (aluminum, wood, etc.) 5. Installation of Medical Gas Pipeline mounted in a state hung in the sky - the sky.
In the piping network installation should be considered the ease of care (maintenance) in the event of a leak in the system installation. After welding should be performed leak check every connection or installation of each gas to the provisions of the test press 2 times the working pressure for 2 x 24 hours without any change in pressure.